What can acupuncture treat?
-Pain, injury, arthritis, disc and spine problems
-Headaches of all types, numbness, diziness
-Stress, anxiety, depression, mental illness
-Fatigue, hyperactivity, insomnia, memory problems
-Digestive disorders, intestinal disorders, weight loss or gain
-Allergies, asthma, cold/flu, frequent colds, and low immunity
-Feeling overly hot or cold, poor circulation, water retention
-Womens' health: PMS, painful menstruation, fertility, cysts, irregular or heavy menstruation, menopausal symptoms
-Pregnancy: nausea, pain during pregnancy, inducing labor
-Men's health: ED, prostate or bladder problems
-High or low blood sugar
...and many other conditions, symptoms, and imblances.
Myofascial release techniques in Chinese medicine include cupping and gua-sha. Both are ways to resolve deep injury from tissues in the body.
Number of Visits
Depending on the severity of your condition, fewer or more treatments may be required. On the first visit you'll get an idea of how many visits you may need for your condition being treated. The number of visits typically ranges from 2 to 10, and some patients choose to have infrequent as-needed follow-up visits.
Acupuncture is the insertion of tiny needles into particular points on the body to reduce pain and cause other specific healing reactions.
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Bodywork therapy includes deep tissue massage, correction of structural imbalances, acupressure, joint and muscle stretching, and massage of the acupuncture channels.
Treatment Modalities
Depending on your condition and interests, other forms of Chinese medical therapy beyond acupuncture may be used in your treatment.
Chinese herbs can treat a variety of conditions and are conveniently available in prepared pill forms, powdered, and raw forms for ingestion.
My Specialties
Although I confidently treat most conditions, these are areas where I have additional expertise
Pain and injury, including sports medicine, motor vehicle accidents, chronic pain, headaches, arthritis pain, and secondary pain from other syndromes or diseases such as cancer or fibromyalgia
Foot disorders and foot pain, including plantar fasciitis, ankle pain, Morton's neuromas, achilles tendonitis or tendonosis, sprains, fractures, broken bones, neuropathy.
Digestive conditions such as stomach or intestinal pain, constipation, diarrhea, low or high blood sugar, acid reflux, inflammatory bowel disease, bloating
Lung conditions such as asthma, allergies, cold or flu (following covid precautions for clinical care), COPD